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Sunday, December 6, 2009

What do you do when your stressed?

What do you do when you are stressed during the holidays? Some people deal very well with stress, however most people do not. The body holds in stress and it can put some major wear and tear on the inside especially the muscles in your upper back, your heart and your digestive system!

What can you do?
Try these simple steps to de-stressing through the holidays!

Shop while the kids are in school (yours or others) to minimze the (busy) hours!

Eat something healthy before you leave the house, it will give you energy and you will not have to stop for the icky fast food!!

Do 20 minutes of yoga before and after shopping or holiday gatherings to calm the body and mind.

When your feeling a bit of tension, stop and think of why your stressing, is it really worth it? Then do some deep breathing in and out 5x!

Stay calm, exercise and eat healthy this holiday season!

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