Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Rock your body day 4

Alright here it is...
Warm up
Jog 5 minutes
Run 2 minutes
Jog 5 minutes
Run 2 minutes
Jog 5 minutes
Run 2 minutes
Brisk walk for 15 minutes

30 push ups (any style)
100 standing crunches ( pull belly button to back)
50 squats with 3 sec holds
30 jacks
25 supermans (lay on your tum and raise arms out and up as you raise feet off the ground ( email me if you need help)
25 walking lunges with bicep curls
30 push ups (any style)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Rock your Body Challenge day 3

Fitness in 30!
First be sure and warm up!!

This is an easy 30 minute recovery workout!

5 minutes of cardio, your choice.
20 squats
10 push ups
5 minutes of cardio again your choice
20 dips
10 lunges
5 minutes of cardio
30 plie squats
10 front and lateral shoulder raises
Cool down!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rock your body Challenge day #2

Access to stairs?
Warm up
free flowing yoga 5 minutes with deep breathing
10 squat jumps
light hamstring stretch

Run stairs for 5 minutes
Fitz pushup 5 minutes-(push up) army crawl forward, (push up), and no not the ice cream!
Back extension 30x( either on a med ball or bench, couch, bed whichever
Run stairs for 5 minutes
50 jack squats
cardio kickboxing for 5 minutes (kicks, upper cuts, jabs, more kicks and jumps)
Tricep dips
Run stairs for 5 minutes
Cool down

Lots of water today, your going to need it
Try a protein supplement such as GNC AMP wheybolic protein!!! 1 scoop 30 minutes before exercise and 1 scoop 2-3 hours after for recovery!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Turkey Burgers

Healthy Recipe!

1lb 99% Lean Ground Turkey
2 Large Swiss Chard leaves (or kale)
2 green onions
1/4 cup Quinoa (cooked)
4-6 freah basil leaves
1 egg
dash sea salt

Toss all (except meat and quinoa) in food processor and puree
Put turkey and quinoa in a bowl, add puree mix well.

Form into patties and cook on the grill or stove top.

Serve with mango salsa or regular salsa and veggies!!!

I made these last night and the kids loved them, of course I put cheese on theirs and hid them in a bun!!

Welcome to your challenge!

Are you ready?

Cardio challenge

Warm up
side lunge with squat
squat and overhead stretch with deep breathing
Repeat warm up

Run 1 mile
20 push ups
100 crunches
20 squat jumps
Run 1 mile
10 push ups
50 olique crunches each side
30 jacks
run .25, sprint .25 mile repeat

Cool down

Dont forget to log your caloric intake!!
See you tomorrow am!

Monday, June 20, 2011


Here we go 2 more days! This is the site you will get your challenges from. Good luck!!