Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Yay day to play!!!!

No workout today!!!!! Take a day off and enjoy it! Everyone is doing a great job~ however I have not heard from a lot of you~ are you guys ok? Do you need me to come over and get your butts out of bed Monday morning?????

Have a nice Sunday, rest up and we will resume on MONDAY!!!

The 20's workout!

Get out enjoy a nice 1 mile jog!
20 push ups
20 jacks
20 squats
20 plie squats
20 bicep curls with lunges
20 jacks
20 standing supermans
repeat 2x
cool down!

Have you worked out with us everyday this week?
If you want to see real results, you have to make this commitment!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 5!

20 minutes of cardio

20 squats with bicep curls
10 side lunges
10 squat jumps
10 lunges with lat rows
20 dips
10 push ups
30 crunches
repeat cardio
repeat exercises
60 jacks
30 reverse crunches

Good Luck!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 4, give us more!

Today focus on Stretching, yes stretching...but I will not take it easy on you!
20 minutes of cardio

Hold each of these poses for 60 cheating!
Mountain Pose
Warrior II
Reverse warrior
downward dog
downward dog
straddle stretch
chair pose
butterfly pose
10 minute cardio cool down
boat pose
30 crunches!
If you need diagrams let me know.

You think you will not be sore, but you will!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Yoga Journal - Revolved Triangle Pose

Yoga Journal - Revolved Triangle Pose

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Yoga Journal - Warrior II Pose

Yoga Journal - Warrior II Pose

Posted using ShareThis

Yoga Journal - Warrior II Pose

Yoga Journal - Warrior II Pose

Posted using ShareThis

Yoga Journal - Warrior III Pose

Yoga Journal - Warrior III Pose

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Here is where you can find the list of poses!

Yoga Journal - Warrior I Pose

Yoga Journal - Warrior I Pose

Posted using ShareThis

Day 3 we go!

Crank your motivating music...your gonna need it!
5 minute warm up
30 squat jacks
20 lunge kicks (reverse lunge with high knee)
10 squat jumps

30 squat jacks
20 lunge kicks
10 squat jumps

15 minutes of cardio

10 moving push ups (plank, push up, move forward repeat)
30 jacks
10 forward lunge with lat row (light weight)
60 reverse crunches
30 bicycle (abs)
10 swing kicks (stand with lightly bent knees kick out and over repeat)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who's energized for the day?

Ok, who finished the workout today, let me know so we can motivate each other!!!! Also Email me your goal, weight and measurements so we can work together to help you accomplish your goal! Your weight and measurements will be kept confidential!

If you have not completed the workout, there's still time, let's go what are you waiting for???

BTW, I finished!

Monday, January 25, 2010

A WARM welcome!!

Welcome to my newest recruits Tim, Heather, Nikki, and Ronya!
A warm welcome back to my seasoned vets, Andrea, Debbie, Gary, Valynda and Carissa!
You have made the first step towards better health!!!
Please feel free to post comments, ask questions or email me anytime!!

Tuesday January 26th

So who did the workout yesterday???? I did, so I hope you did too!

Today's workout
45 minutes of cardio
20 jump squats
10 side lunges
30 crunches
30 sec plank
20 walking lunges with bicep curls
30 calf raises
Repeat exercises
Cool down
Warrior stretch
straddle stretch
butterfly stretch
bicep stretch

Good luck, get some good music going!!!
Let me know how your doing, either leave a comment here, or email me!!!

Monday January 25th

Welcome to Boot camp!
Have you taken your measurements?
Shoulders, Chest, Tricep, Waist, Hip, Quads?

Also only weigh yourself on Saturday mornings, before you do anyting else!

Here is the workout: only 30 days, so let's move it!

Warm up 5 minutes
Brisk walk/Jog/Run 1 mile
30 lunge kicks ( backward lunge and kick up)each side
20 push ups
20 squat to press (add dumbells if needed)
20 crunches
30 jacks
Repeat exercises
Cool down jog in place for 3 minutes
See you tommorow!
Drink plenty of water and watch your caloric intake!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Boot Camp starts tommorow!!!

Check back tomorrow for your first Boot Camp workout!