Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday Nov 29th

Phew, all that food and shopping! Today you need to get to it!! Lets do 30 minutes of good old cardio followed by a generous amount of crunches--100!

25 jump squats or Jacks
25 squats
25 plie squats
10 dips
15 push ups
3 sets of 15 bicep curls
3 sets of 5 3 way shoulder raises (side, V, and Front)

Have fun and remember, your doing this with your goal in mind, you will never get there by saying, I will do it tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Good Morning!!! Nov 25th Challenge!

Good morning fit goers- you are almost there!!! Yay! How do you feel, I have not seen any coments or workouts from anyone. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and we should all be thankful for what we have, especially the ability to exercise, which is so good for the mind, body and soul.

Todays exercise
30 minutes of Yoga
Core strengthening which includes 30 seconds of each; side planks, supermans, reverse crunches, pilates 100, crunches, side plankwith glute squeeze and leg lifts. Have fun, de stress and please let me know how you are doing.

Have a fun and safe Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 23, 2009

November 25th exercises and challenge

Did you know that the more stressed you are the harder it is for you to reach your fitness goals! Your body releases a negative hormone that actually works against you! So lets get moving today!!

Todays challenge- 15 minutes of cardio, 20 reverse crunches, 20 up downs, 20 plie squats, 20 army crawls and 20 push ups repeat 1x.

Modified--20 minutes of cardio, 30 reverse crunches, 20 squats, 20 plie squats, 20 jacks and 15 push ups. repeat 1x.

Try and cut out dairy from your dairy for the next 2 days and see how you feel!!!

November 23, 2009

Today's challenge. 45 minute brisk walk/run and add 200 crunches, 20 push ups, 200 walking lunges, 20 dips and 20 side squats each side. Enjoy! Let me know how your legs feel!!!