Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Good Morning Sunshines! It's the Saturday Workout!!!! Posted Early!

Hopefully today your feeling a little sore, even you hard core exercisers!
Today we will begin with a warm up;

jog for 1/2 mile
walk 2 minutes
jog 5 minutes
walk 2 minutes
jog 6 minutes
walk 2 minutes
jog 8 minutes
walk 2 minutes
jog for 3 minutes

Sprint for 10 seconds (yes I said Sprint)
jog for 1 min
sprint for 15 seconds
You can DO THIS!!!!!
jog for 1 min
Sprint for 10 seconds
jog for 1 minute

walk for 5 minutes
Phew, now that we are done with that let's move on...

Core workout
side to side oblique ball passes
50 crunches
25 back extensions on the med/swiss ball
25 swiss ball squats with inner thigh holds (squat against the wall with ball behind your back, and press the smaller ball between your knees and hold for 10 seconds)
repeat Core 2x

25 push ups (any style)

Have a nice weekend everyone! See you Monday!

Surprise It's Friday!

Hello--It's Friday, however you are not done with your workout yet. Be sure to come back tommorow and Sunday for a light workout!

30 minutes of cardio
step bench 1 minute
1 min each...
Bicep Curls with walking lunges
Bicep Curl to press with dumbells
Squats with front raises
step bench
tricep kickbacks
Repeat all but cardio


See you Tommorow!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

California Quinoa Salad

1 cup cooked red Quinoa
1/2 cup edamame
1/4 cup fresh cilantro
1/3 cup fresh mango chopped
1 Tbs coconut chopped
1/4 of a red bell pepper chopped
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup chopped red onion
Juice of 1 lime
2 Tbs of balsamic vinegar

Mix together and chill for 2 hours! Enjoy with a tortilla or plain as a side dish.

To cook the Quinoa, first soak in a bowl for 20-30 minutes to remove the tough bitter wax that surrounds it.

Boil Quinoa for 20 minutes with a little bit of salt.
Thursday's Boot Camp Workout!

1 mile jog or brisk walk
20 push ups
25 squats with weight
15 jump squats
20 push ups
25 jumping jacks
20 dips

Repeat 1x


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Coconut Water

Nutrition Spotlight: Fueling for Performance…with Coconut Water?
From ACE Fit Facts


The 2010 Malibu International Marathon boasted breathtaking views amongst the Santa Monica mountains and the Pacific Ocean, a comfortable and breezy climate, an initially fast course studded with rocky passageways and beach-front mansions, and…all-you-can-drink coconut water? In keeping with its theme of tropical paradise, Gatorade, Powerade and other various sugar-heavy electrolyte replacements typically offered every couple of miles along a 26.2-mile course were replaced with all-natural coconut water. Described on the marathon Web site as “more effective for full-body replenishment and contain[ing] none of the added sugars and calories commonly associated with traditional sports drinks,” the wildly popular beverage was the preferred electrolyte replacement source at this race. But is coconut water really better for refueling than your standard sports drinks? The answer, in short, is: It depends.

Not to be confused with coconut milk, which is made from coconut’s white flesh and is full of fat and calories, coconut water is the clear liquid at the fruit’s center. This water is low in calories (about 60 calories per 12-oz serving), high in potassium (more than the 450mg in a banana and about the amount of 15 servings of a sports drink), and contains modest amounts of other important electrolytes including sodium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It also is free of added sugars, cholesterol and fat. Sounds like the perfect sports drink, doesn’t it? And in fact it may be for certain athletes, especially those engaging in short- to moderate-duration activities. Typically, potassium losses from one to two hours of exercise can be replaced with the potassium-equivalent of a banana (or a small glass of coconut water). However, athletes who engage in long-distance endurance activities in which sodium sweat losses can be significant (and more so than potassium losses) may be better off with a higher-sodium sports drink, or should supplement coconut water with a salty snack to help prevent hyponatremia (low blood levels of sodium). Also, during long-distance activities, ideally one would consume about 30 to 60 grams of an easily digestible carbohydrate per hour of exercise to keep a constant stream of blood glucose available to fuel the exercise bout. With the lower-calorie—and thus lower-carbohydrate—content of coconut water, a few ounces every couple of miles may not be adequate. (See sidebar for a comparison of carbohydrate and electrolyte content and cost of various sports drinks and coconut water.)

In addition to its use as a sports drink, coconut water manufacturers also boast of various other health benefits, including improved body-temperature regulation, smoother skin, boosted immune system, and decreased stomach pain. In reality, the research is lacking and there are few good studies available yet to confirm or deny these claims. (Given coconut water’s enhanced popularity, however, it is likely that research studies are underway.) Of note, coconut water has been used in many Asian, Latin- and South-American cultures for years as a medicinal agent and even as a source of intravenous electrolyte replacement. As the drink’s benefits and uses have become more widely known over the past several years, coconut water manufacturers have enjoyed an exponential boost in popularity. Initially occupying a niche market in the mid-2000s with a few small-time producers, the coconut water industry is now a multi-million-dollar-per-year enterprise with three major manufacturers: the independent Vita Coco (the product available at the Malibu marathon), Coca-Cola­–owned Zico, and Pepsi-owned Amacoco (which is currently not available in the U.S). The manufacturers still purchase most of the coconut water from small, family-owned plantations in Latin America, Brazil, Indonesia and Asia, where young, green coconuts are harvested. The water is then extracted from the fruit and pasteurized, bottled and shipped for resale around the world.

Although coconut water is relatively new on the fitness scene, it has a devoted following of athletes who enjoy the taste, the natural ingredients, and its replenishing capabilities, especially during shorter-duration activities. As coconut water begins to appear at more water stops and booths at races and events across the country, its popularity will no doubt continue to grow. However, it is important to keep in mind that even though it may be offered at an event it may not be the best source of replenishment and fuel for all participants. Athletes can best ensure optimal performance by planning ahead and making sure that the nutritional content of their replacement fluids and snacks match the demands of their sport.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wednesday, WELCOME!!!

Good Morning! Today we will start off a little easier and progress through the week! Start your day with an 8oz glass of water and a small healthy snack. As with this and all other workouts please consult with your physician prior to starting this program.

Let us BEGIN...
1 mile jog
10 push ups
50 crunches
30 second jumping jacks
10 push ups
walking lunges
1/2 mile jog
10 push ups
50 crunches
25 wall squats


Have a great day!

If you need instruction, please email me and I will try and get back to you as soon as I can.

Taco Bake with Quinoa

Tonights Healthy Recipe is one of my childrens favorites!

1lb Ground Turkey Meat
1 large Tomato (Pureed)
1/2 Green Pepper (Pureed)
1/4 tsp fresh ginger
1/2 cup Cooked Quinoa
1/2 cup chedder cheese
1/2 cup brown rice
Salt and Pepper to taste.

Cook turkey meat until done, add in pureed pepper, tomato and ginger. Cook on low for 10 minutes. In a 8x8 baking dish add meat, Quinoa and rice, top with cheese. Bake for 20 minutes on 325.

For added flavor use Spanish rice or add salsa.

How Women Build Muscle - Strength and Resistance Training - FitFacts - American Council On Exercise(ACE)

How Women Build Muscle - Strength and Resistance Training - FitFacts - American Council On Exercise(ACE)

Hello Tuesday!

BMI Calculator
A frequently used index to assess a person's body composition (or amount of body fat) is called the body mass index, or BMI. This assessment compares your body weight to your height to come up with a value that indicates whether you are underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese.

Understanding your body composition is valuable because a person's level of body fat is directly correlated with health outcomes. Obesity-related diseases include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and stroke. Thus, working toward weight loss if you are overweight or obese can have a profound positive effect on your health. The table below provides established BMI norms based on various categories of health and fitness.

BMI Reference Chart
Weight Category BMI Range
Underweight <18.5 Normal Weight 18.5-24.9 Overweight 25.0-29.9 Grade I Obesity 30.0-34.9 Grade II Obesity 35.0-39.9 Grade III Obesity >40
*Source: ACE Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant Manual

For most people, BMI is a quick and easy way to assess body composition, which is why it is so commonly used. However, since body weight (and not percent body fat) is used in determining BMI, there may be problems when using BMI to assess people who are heavily muscled (such as body builders) or who have an athletic body type. Because muscle weighs more than fat, those who have well-developed muscles typically appear overweight or obese according to the BMI reference chart. If you are a person with an athletic or muscular build, do not use BMI as the only method to assess your body composition. An estimation of body fat using the skinfold method would be a more accurate choice.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A little late, but nonetheless still good advice!

How can I avoid Halloween weight gain without missing out on the fun?

Thoughts of October conjure up visions of cool Fall air, changing leaves, football games, and, of course, the celebration of Halloween. Costume parties, haunted houses, carving jack-o’-lanterns and little ghosts and goblins trick-or-treating are standard October festivities. All typically include some readily accessible concoction of sugar-laden, chocolaty, calorie-dense deliciousness. It’s hard for even the most disciplined “dieter” to avoid Halloween weight gain. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Follow these 10 steps below, you might just make it through the month without budging the bathroom scale.

1. Plan ahead. Let's face it, we all eat a little more sugar than normal around Halloween, and that's ok. But, remember to plan ahead -- eat a little bit healthier and exercise a little bit more to make room for the "candy calories." Encourage your family to do the same in anticipation of the kids' upcoming, almost unavoidable, candy binge.

2. Shop last minute, and buy what you don't like. This is one holiday where it pays to procrastinate. Put off buying the Halloween candy until right before the trick-or-treaters arrive. That way, the whole family will have less temptation to break into the candy early. When you do get to the store, buy your least favorite candies so you'll be less likely to indulge in any leftovers.

3. Avoid setting up a desk-top candy jar at the office. If the candy is sitting in front of you, you’re going to eat it. If you must have a desktop dish to show your holiday spirit, fill it with fruits and vegetables instead. Of course, you’ll likely still have ready access to the stuff from other less health-conscious colleagues. Try to take a walking break before going after their candy stashes.

4. Manage your hunger. Make an extra effort to eat a well-balanced diet with regularly spaced meals to ensure adequate nutrition (a candy-only diet will leave you lacking in many essential vitamins and minerals). This sensible eating will also help to stave off hunger pangs which could inadvertently be calmed with consumption of the too-easily-available candy binge if you’re not careful.

5. Tweak your favorite treat. If you're having, or going to a party, make a healthier version of your favorite snack to share. Plenty of healthy recipes are available online that makeover a bad snack into a much healthier one and tastes just as good.

6. Choose the "healthier" candy options, or better yet, give out inedible treats. You can help the kids to avoid Halloween weight gain while at the same time helping yourself by trying to choose “less-unhealthy-treats.” As you know, not all candy is created equal. When buying the candy aim for the healthier options such as sugar-free gum, fruit chews or lollipops as smarter alternatives to candy or at least go for the smaller size of the "better" chocolate candies such as mini Milky Way, Mini 3 Musketeers, and Tootsie Roll Midgets. This year the American Academy of Pediatrics and the “why milk?” campaign are pushing chocolate milk as a relatively healthy Halloween “treat”. Better yet, trade unhealthy Halloween treats for non-edible trinkets like mini play-doh, stickers, bouncy balls, eye balls, and tiny storybooks. If you go this route, try to get something you’re pretty sure the kids will like so you don’t make your house a bull’s eye for eggs and toilet paper.

7. Take the Kids Trick-or-Treating, on foot. Take advantage of this fun-filled family time, and great opportunity to exercise together by covering a large area while out trick-or-treating -- and encourage the kids to sprint to the next doorstep (while, of course, making safety a top priority).

8. Ration the Goods. Help the kids ration the treats so as not to eat them all at once. Also set limits for yourself and how much candy you will "allow” each day. For example, make a deal with yourself that you’ll only eat one small portion-controlled indulgence per day.

9. Freeze It. Freeze some of the kids’ leftover candy for later. Not only does this put the candy out of site, but frozen candy takes longer to eat, and if you opt to wait for it to get to room temperature, the urge might pass.

10. Lighten up. Remember that Halloween, like other holidays, is a single day on the calendar. If your family eats sensibly during the rest of the year, it will have a more lasting impact than a few days of overindulgence.

Grilled Chicken and Polenta! Yummo!

Grilled Chicken & Polenta with Nectarine-Blackberry Salsa
Provided by

Serves 4
Prep Time 40 min.

Nutrition Profile: Diabetes Appropriate Gluten Free Diet Healthy Weight Heart Healthy High Fiber Low Calorie Low Cholesterol Low Sat Fat

Grilled nectarines and fresh blackberries turn into a summery salsa to top cumin-rubbed chicken and polenta in a dish that’s special enough for weeknight entertaining. Make it a meal: Serve with a spinach salad and a crisp glass of rosé.


1 tablespoon canola oil, divided

1 tablespoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon kosher salt, divided

3/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

1 16- to 18- prepared plain polenta

1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, trimmed

2 nectarines, halved and pitted

1 pint blackberries, coarsely chopped

2 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro

1 tablespoon lime juice

Hot sauce, to taste


Step 1
Preheat grill to medium-high.

Step 2
Combine 1 tablespoon oil, cumin, 3/4 teaspoon salt and pepper in a small bowl. Rub 1 teaspoon of the mixture all over polenta. Rub the rest into both sides of chicken. Cut the polenta crosswise into 8 slices. Rub the cut sides of nectarine halves with the remaining 1 teaspoon oil.

Step 3
Oil the grill rack (see Tip). Place the chicken, polenta slices and nectarines on the grill. Grill the polenta until hot and slightly charred, 3 to 4 minutes per side. Transfer to a clean plate; tent with foil to keep warm. Grill the nectarines, turning occasionally, until tender, 6 to 8 minutes total. Grill the chicken, until cooked through and no longer pink in the middle, 6 to 8 minutes per side. Transfer the chicken and nectarines to a cutting board. Coarsely chop the nectarines. Let the chicken rest for 5 minutes, then thinly slice.

Step 4
While the chicken rests, combine the chopped nectarines, blackberries, cilantro, lime juice, hot sauce and the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt in a medium bowl. Layer the polenta, chicken and fruit salsa on 4 plates and serve.


Tip: To oil the grill rack: Oil a folded paper towel, hold it with tongs and rub it over the rack. (Don’t use cooking spray on a hot grill.)

Per serving

Calories: 317
Carbohydrates: 34g
Fat: 8g
Protein: 27g
Dietary Fiber: 6g
Saturated Fat: 1g
Monounsaturated Fat: 4g
Cholesterol: 63mg
Potassium: 458mg

Sodium: 694mg
Exchanges: 1 starch, 1 fruit, 3 lean meat

Carbohydrate Servings: 2

Are you ready???

Welcome my friends to my Fitness blog. I will have fitness tips, articles, recipes and advice as well as workouts posted daily. I challenge you to try my 30 day bootcamp that starts THIS Wednesday!! In addition to the daily workouts the Bootcamp will have workouts listed for the week. This Challenge is for the strong willed, you have to be motivated and if you are you will see results! Remember to check back daily!!! Peace, Love and Health to you always---Mindy!