Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Saturday Feb 13th

Run, yes Run 1 mile, by now you should be able to at least slowly jog!

20 push ups
10 side planks
Opposite side planks
20 push ups
repeat planks
20 push ups
repeat planks
50 squats
Cool Down and stretch

Hello Friday!

Today is the day to burn a ton of calories about 500 in fact!
Not only will you burn a ton of calories in the hour you workout, you will continue 30-60 minutes beyond your stopping point!!!

So here we go
30 jump squats
1 minute step us with front kicks
30 squat jacks
20 minutes of cardio
30 jump squats
1 minute step up with front kicks
30 squat jacks
30 push ups
army crawl 2 minutes
1 minute walking lunges with bicep curls
wall sits 30 seconds
30 push ups
10 minutes of cardio
Cool Down Stretch

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Light day!
Yoga 30 minutes--let's get all stretched out!
Sun Salutations
Downward Dog
1 arm plank pose
other side
warrior 1
Reverse Warrior
Repeat Warriors and Triangle on other side
Straddle stretch
Bicep Stretch

Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Wow we are really getting into it now!
Here we go
10 minute cardio
1 minute each

First Exercises
Lat rows with lunges
Jump squats
Figure 8 plyo dot jumps
Bicep Curls
10 minutes of cardio

Push ups
Supermans (prone)
Reverse Crunches
10 minutes of cardio
Repeat First set of exercises

See you Thursday

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

No running outside today!! Unless you have snow shoes on!!

20 minutes of cardio
30 Squat jumps
15 walking lunges with bicep curls
1 minute wall squat
Bench Press (on bench, ball, or ground) 20 reps
30 Dips
100 Crunches
50 reverse crunches
Repeat ALL 1x

Monday, February 8, 2010

Post Superbowl Detox

Ok welcome back my fitness friends!
Post superbowl workout and detox!
Start with a glass of water with lemon, it will help cleanse your system. Next, eat nothing but things that are grown from the ground today--minus the dips! Last workout and sweat out all those toxins!!

1 mile run or 45 minutes of cardio
boxing 1 minute
each exercise will be 1 minute intervals
Chest Press
Lunges with bicep curls
Squats with front raises
Oblique Crunches
repeat exercises!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend Splurging Done Right
Maintain your weight — and healthy eating habits — seven days a week with some smart strategies.
By Madeline Vann, MPH
Medically reviewed by Christine Wilmsen Craig Print Email Researchers tracking 48 adults in a weight program for a year found that they ate, on average, 200 calories more on Saturdays, the most dangerous day for weight management. Over time, those 200 extra calories add up to a few pounds gained over the course of a year — not the goal of a maintenance program!

While everyone deserves a day off, you need to be careful not to overdo it. You don't want to consume too many calories and slip back into the patterns that caused your weight gain in the first place. Maintaining a healthy weight means keeping up with the smart eating habits and lifestyle changes that enabled you to drop those pounds in the first place. The lion's share of your daily maintenance calories should be spent on nutritious foods every day.

Weekend Calories: Indulge in Moderation

"Sometimes we need it. If you have been really good during the week, it helps to know that at least one day a week you can eat those foods you are avoiding on those other days," says Donna L. Weihofen, RD, MS, health nutritionist at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisc.

So how do you splurge without destroying your healthy habits? Weihofen, who admits to having a sweet tooth, advises keeping an eagle eye on calorie counts. Your reward can make or break your weight-management plan. A rich chocolate fudge sundae, for instance, can easily add up to 1,000 calories or more — calories that probably equal half of your daily allotment. That's a large number to compensate for with extra exercise or cutting back on calories at other meals.

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Don't let your weekend turn into a food wasteland. A few smart steps can help you indulge without the calories or guilt:

Share that fudge sundae with your spouse or kids. Go for tiny tastes, like a mini-cheesecake instead of an entire slice, or a single square of chocolate instead of a whole bar. Eat a healthy breakfast to control your appetite. Eat more whole grains, fruit, and veggies as your day gets started so that you'll feel full longer and feel satisfied with small splurges. Split an entrĂ©e or skip the bread basket when eating out, especially if you want a taste of dessert. Limit your alcohol — drink water or another calorie-free beverage between drinks — or apply those calories to a food you'd enjoy more. Weihofen adds that it is important not to allow yourself to feel so deprived of the foods you love that you throw calorie caution to the wind come Saturday. "If you really have a taste for something, budget it in," she says. This may require a little research in terms of calories and portion sizes, but is worth it in the long run if you are able to stick to your game plan seven days a week.