Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Last day of the challenge!

Today is the last day of this 30 day challenge! How did you do? If you followed the program you should have more energy, endurance and maybe your clothes are fitting a little looser? Daily exercise is important for the mind and body, add that to good nutrition and you can help boost your immune system and some foods can help you steer clear of cancer! Another 30 day challenge will begin in January, followed by my outdoor FitCamp!

Run 3 miles
Tires (high knees)
30 jump squats
1 minute-jab, punch,kick
switch sides
Repeat last 3 exercises 2 times

20 push ups
20 rotating side planks
100 crunches
Repeat last 3 exercises 2 times

Stretch, and have a safe and healthy weekend!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thursday December 16th!!!

1 day left of this challenge, but come see me everyday for tips, exercises and recipes!

45 minutes of cardio-your choice
20 squats with dumbbell front raises
20 push ups
15 single leg squats
repeat other side
15 single leg dead lifts
25 jacks
15 lat rows
20 dips
30 supine superman's
Repeat exercises

See you Friday!

Wednesday December 15th, 2010

With Christmas right around the corner and the New Year fast approaching we find ourselves busier than ever. Make sure you take time out for you, and your body. Stay healthy by eating right and staying Fit!! I welcome any ideas, comments or suggestions you may have and please feel free to email me at anytime. Now lets get to Wednesday's workout!!

Stairs run for 5 minutes
jog or other cardio workout for 30 minutes
jump rope for 5 minutes

30 side lunges
30 supine reverse crunches
repeat side lunges on other side
30 supine reverse crunches (supine- lying on your back)
15 dumbbell front squats
15 dumbbell bent over rows
10 push ups with 3 second holds
Repeat exercises 2-3 times


See you Thursday, only 1 more day of the challenge workouts!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fresh Caprese Salad

Caprese Salad
Provided by

Prep Time
15 min.
Total Time
15 min.
Nutrition Profile: Diabetes Appropriate Gluten Free Diet Healthy Weight Low Calorie Low Carb Low Cholesterol Low Sodium

Summer-ripe tomatoes and fresh mozzarella need only a sprinkling of fresh herbs, salt and pepper to shine in this simple summer salad.


2 medium red tomatoes, cut into wedges

2 medium yellow tomatoes, cut into wedges

3/4 cup diced fresh mozzarella cheese

1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley

2 tablespoon chopped fresh basil

1/4 teaspoon salt

Freshly ground pepper, to taste


Step 1
Gently toss tomatoes, mozzarella, parsley, basil and salt together in a large bowl. Season with pepper.

Caprese Salad

Per serving
Calories: 88
Carbohydrates: 6g
Fat: 5g
Protein: 5g
Dietary Fiber: 2g
Saturated Fat: 3g
Monounsaturated Fat: 0g
Cholesterol: 17mg
Potassium: 444mg
Sodium: 187mg
Exchanges: 1 vegetable, 1 high-fat meat
Carbohydrate Servings: 1/2

Dec 14, 2010

Warm up

Run 2.5 miles
light stretch
15 push ups with 3 second hold
100 crunches
100 squats
30 jacks
15 up downs
15 push ups with 3 second hold
run the stairs 10 times


See you Wed! Only 2 more days left of the challenge. I did it everyday, did you?

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Good Morning Fitz Followers! I trust that you had a nice healthy weekend! We are going to kick it up today...

45 minutes of cardio (preferably running)
20 Single leg squats on side of bench or step
50 jacks
20 Single leg steps on other side
20 up downs
20 weighted squats
Repeat leg exercises

15 Dumbell Lat Row
30 plank supermans
25 back extensions on ball
Repeat back exercises

20 Bicep Curls
5 3 way bicep curls, (Reg, Reverse and Hammer)5 of each
20 Tricep Dips

Are you getting tired yet?

100 crunches
100 reverse crunches
50 oblique crunches each side


See you Tuesday!