Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Last day of the challenge!

Today is the last day of this 30 day challenge! How did you do? If you followed the program you should have more energy, endurance and maybe your clothes are fitting a little looser? Daily exercise is important for the mind and body, add that to good nutrition and you can help boost your immune system and some foods can help you steer clear of cancer! Another 30 day challenge will begin in January, followed by my outdoor FitCamp!

Run 3 miles
Tires (high knees)
30 jump squats
1 minute-jab, punch,kick
switch sides
Repeat last 3 exercises 2 times

20 push ups
20 rotating side planks
100 crunches
Repeat last 3 exercises 2 times

Stretch, and have a safe and healthy weekend!

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