Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Have a Fantastic Weekend Everyone!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and keep working out!! See you again Monday!


I trust that you all did the workout this week, there are only a few more days of the 30 day challenge left, lets make them count!

Run 2.5 miles
30 Push ups with single leg knee to chest
50 jacks
100 lunges
20 up downs (burpees)
20 dips
50 lunges
50 jacks
10 dips
15 push ups
200 crunches

Have a great weekend, see you Monday!
Drink plenty of fluids, and don't forget to stretch!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


* 8 pieces packaged, thin pumpernickel bread (3 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches))
* 1/4 cup whipped cream cheese fat free
* 8 ounces thinly sliced smoked salmon or turkeyZ
* 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced
* 1/4 English cucumber, thinly sliced
* 2 medium tomatoes, core, seeded and diced
* 2 teaspoons chopped, fresh chives
* Salt and pepper


Toast the bread and spread 1 1/2 teaspoons of cream cheese on top of each piece. Put a slice of smoked salmon, a couple of slices of onion, one or 2 slices of cucumber, and about 1 tablespoon of chopped tomato on top of that. Sprinkle with chives and season with salt and pepper.


Good morning my friends! Today we are going to keep it light, and work on flexibility!
hold for 1 minute unless otherwise stated

Plank pose--up on one side and hold for 30 seconds repeat to to other side
downward facing dog
up dog
child pose
down dog
warrior 1
warrior II
Reverse warrior
repeat last 4 on other side
standing ball reach stretch

cool down on cardio machine for 15 minutes

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wednesday December 8, 2010

Today is going to be a great day! Do not let the weather ruin your plans for exercise today, bundle up and hit the pavement.

2 mile jog
10 sets of stairs
50 reverse crunches
50 plie squats
50 squats
25 lunges
30 push ups
15 single leg jump squats
20 standing supermans
repeat sequence

See you Thursday!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tuesday December 7th

Is Exercise a script for a better sex life? The Docs say so, so I have designed this better sex workout just for you...

Run 1 mile (after almost 3 weeks, I know you can do it!) Get your blood pumping!!!
Turn some music on and dance...10 minutes
30 push ups
50 jump squats
1 minute of walking lunges with bicep curls
100 reverse crunches
30 push ups
30 dips
50 jacks
100 squats
chest press with dumbells
army crawl 1 minute

See you Wed!

Exericse and Sex Life

Studies Show Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Life

Exercise is not only a well-documented means of maintaining muscle and losing fat, recent studies propose that it can also revitalize your sex life.

In a February 1999 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, scientists found that sexual dysfunction is more likely among those with poor physical and emotional health, and plays a major role with negative experiences in sexual relationships and with overall well-being.

Studying sex and exercise

Sexual function is affected by general health, and the more you can do to improve your health by taking good care of yourself, the better your sex life can be.

Doctors at the New England Research Institute found that regular, vigorous exercise can be effective at lowering impotence risk. The researchers studied more than 600 middle-aged men who hadn't reported any problems with impotence. After eight years, the men who exercised regularly were less likely to have problems.

Vigorous exercise - the equivalent of walking two miles or burning 200 extra calories a day - was most effective.

On the opposite coast, a University of California, San Diego study of 78 healthy but sedentary middle-aged men documented changes when the men were assigned to exercise three to four times a week for one-hour sessions.

Overall, the former couch potatoes reported more reliable sexual functioning, more frequent sexual activity and orgasms, and greater satisfaction.

Yet another study, conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health, revealed that men who exercised vigorously for 20 to 30 minutes were about half as likely to have erection problems as inactive men. The scientists in this study also discovered that as a man gained weight, he became more susceptible to experiencing erectile dysfunction (E.D.).

Women's sex lives can also benefit from regular exercise. Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin studied 35 women, ages 18 to 34. On two separate occasions the women first watched a short travel film, followed by an abbreviated X-rated film.

To begin with, the subjects cycled vigorously for 20 minutes. The second time they didn't. Researchers calculated their sexual response using a device that measures blood flow in genital tissue, and discovered that the women's vaginal responses were 169 percent greater after exercising.

More to love

Doctors believe that exercise has the effect it does on increasing sexual potency because it strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves circulation. Good circulation is important for sexual function.

Other things that hamper circulation include obesity, smoking or heavy alcohol use, however losing weight and quitting smoking or drinking didn't improve sexual function the way exercise did.

If exercise can do so much for your sex life, shouldn't more be even better? The answer is no, according to the same doctors who did the studies. Heavy exercise can actually decrease testosterone levels, leading to a less-robust sexual appetite.

In addition, over-training can compromise the immune system, which could also adversely affect sexual performance.

Exercise, while not a panacea, can be just what the doctor ordered for physical and psychological complaints.

Monday December 6, 2010

Welcome back Fitz Followers! Hope you all had a pleasant weekend. Have you tried any new recipes this weekend? If you have, will you please share? I made a spring veggie and scallop stir fry, it was pretty good, and very low in Calories and fat!

Todays workout
Run 1 mile
20 minutes of other cardio
30 push ups
60 crunches
20 plie squats
25 jacks
20 lat rows
20 superman's
25 jacks
30 push ups
60 mountain climbers
Repeat exercises

Have a fantastic day and see you tomorrow morning!