Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday January 25th

Welcome to Boot camp!
Have you taken your measurements?
Shoulders, Chest, Tricep, Waist, Hip, Quads?

Also only weigh yourself on Saturday mornings, before you do anyting else!

Here is the workout: only 30 days, so let's move it!

Warm up 5 minutes
Brisk walk/Jog/Run 1 mile
30 lunge kicks ( backward lunge and kick up)each side
20 push ups
20 squat to press (add dumbells if needed)
20 crunches
30 jacks
Repeat exercises
Cool down jog in place for 3 minutes
See you tommorow!
Drink plenty of water and watch your caloric intake!

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