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Sunday, November 6, 2011

1 week detox starts Monday!

Detoxing? It's an easy way to rid your body of harmful chemicals, toxins, and STRESS! This detox is simple, and you get to eat all day!

Here's how it goes...
Commit yourself to 1 week. There are no "meals" in this detox, just snacking and eating ALL day to keep your blood sugar stable and your energy up. This detox is designed to not have any animal proteins or Dairy, limited caffeine, low carbs and NO CHEATING! Kefir and/or Plain yogurt can be added into the detox after day 3. Make sure to take your multi vitamin and also look into a B Complex and calcium magnesium.

Start with a glass of Water 16 oz. with Lemon
Replenish your intake every hour your awake with 8 oz.

Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits, nuts, quinoa, salad (no dressing) olive oil may be used.
Drink 1 cup of detox tea at nighttime 3 hours before bedtime.

Good LUCK!! I am doing this with you, if you have any questions please let me know!

Remember it is only 1 week, you can do it!!!

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