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Thursday, November 19, 2009

At-Home (No Equipment) Workout From the ACE Website

This workout provides a challenging total-body workout that can be done from the comfort of home with no equipment other than bodyweight and space.

* Warm-up
* Workout
* Cool-down

For a general cardiovascular warm-up, perform 5-10 minutes of a low-to-moderate intensity aerobic exercise such as walking, riding a stationary cycle or using an elliptical trainer.
See Detailed Exercise Information

Hold position for 20-30 seconds, return to a comfortable resting position; rest 30 seconds, repeat stretch 1-2 more times.
See Detailed Exercise Information

Move slowly through the range-of-motion for 6-10 repetitions; rest 30 seconds, repeat stretch 1-2 more times.
See Detailed Exercise Information
Supine Pelvic Tilts

Perform 6-12 repetitions, rest for 45-60 seconds; repeat 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 sets
See Detailed Exercise Information
Glute Bridge

Perform 12-15 repetitions; push hips up on 2-count/hold at the top for a 2 count/lower on a 4-count, rest for 30-45 seconds; repeat 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 sets.
See Detailed Exercise Information
Contralateral Limb Raises

Perform 12-20 repetitions, rest for 45-60 seconds; repeat 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 sets
See Detailed Exercise Information
Side Lying Hip Abduction

Perform 12-20 repetitions with each leg, rest for 45-60 seconds; repeat 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 sets
See Detailed Exercise Information
Side Lying Hip Adduction

Perform 12-20 repetitions with each leg, rest for 45-60 seconds; repeat 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 sets
See Detailed Exercise Information
Side Plank with Straight Leg

Hold position for 5-20 seconds, alternate sides; repeat 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 sets
See Detailed Exercise Information

Perform 12-20 repetitions, rest for 45-60 seconds; repeat 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 sets
See Detailed Exercise Information
Forward Lunge with Arm Drivers

Perform 12-20 repetitions, rest for 45-60 seconds; repeat 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 sets
See Detailed Exercise Information
Side Lunge

Perform 12-20 repetitions, rest for 45-60 seconds; repeat 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 sets
See Detailed Exercise Information
Supine Reverse Crunches

Perform 6-12 repetitions, rest for 45-60 seconds; repeat 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 sets. To increase the intensity of the exercise hold a small weight or medicine ball between the feet
See Detailed Exercise Information
Bent-Knee Sit-up / Crunches

Perform 6-12 repetitions, rest for 45-60 seconds; repeat 1-2 more times for a total of 2-3 sets. To increase the intensity of the exercise extend the body’s lever arm by extending both arms straight over the head.

For a general cardiovascular cool-down, perform 5-10 minutes of a low-to-moderate intensity aerobic exercise such as walking, riding a stationary cycle or using an elliptical trainer.
See Detailed Exercise Information

Hold position for 20-30 seconds, return to a comfortable resting position; rest 30 seconds, repeat stretch 1-2 more times.
See Detailed Exercise Information
Downward-facing Dog

Hold position for 20-30 seconds, return to a comfortable resting position; rest 30 seconds, repeat stretch 1-2 more times.
This program could be done two-to-three times per week, with at least one full day of rest between workouts.
The purpose of a bodyweight-only workout is to improve muscular strength and endurance so the repetition range should be between twelve and twenty.

When starting the program complete each exercise or stretch for 1-3 sets resting between each set before moving to the next exercise. To increase the intensity (burn more calories); turn the routine into a circuit and complete one exercise right after the other and rest for 2-3 minutes after the completion of one circuit (all exercises).

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