Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1, 2009

Happy December everyone!!!!
Today is your last day for this challenge! How are you feeling? Please share your experience with us! This blog will continue throughout the year with new challenges and daily fitness tips. Join me in January for a 6 week hardcore bootcamp I call FITCAMP! Although I will not be there to scream and yell, I will post some grueling workouts for you! Then In the Spring I will host a class for all you local fitgoers!

Today's challenge
2 mile run/walk
100 crunches
25 moving supermans
army crawl for 1 minute/ or jacks
50 squats
50 plie squats
25 walking lunges
30 push ups
100 crunches
25 dips

Have fun!


  1. New month, new motivation. Despite the approaching holidays, I am 100% commited!!!
    40 min of cardio so far today

  2. I don't have a treadmill and it's too cold to take B outside so I did the 2 miles on my elliptical but I cranked up the the challenge done and I added a bicep curl with 5 lb dumbells in each hand with the squats
