Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December2, 2009

Today is the challenge deadline!
How did you do? How are you feeling? Please let me know, and if you have any questions and do not want everyone else to see write me at I will continue to post things everyday and will start a new challenge in January. Remember that the easiest way to de-stress and feel better is to get moving!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for the push to get me back to working out!!! My only real goal was to get back into a routine, which I've done. The awesome part is, I've lost 3 1/2 pounds, a little more than 1 inch off my waist, and everything's firmer which adds up to me feeling soooo much better about myself. Also, I'm not getting tired out as fast, which is great! All in all, I'd call the past month a great success!!! Thanks for kicking my butt, Mindy!!!! -Andrea

  2. I failed to reach my fitness goal but I have not given up. I want to continue an exercise program so I will take the next challange in Jan. Keep the daily exercise schedule coming.

  3. This has been a success for me as well...I am much more toned and have lost several inches off various parts of my body and have also lost a few lbs...I feel better too...I can not wait until bootcamp!!

  4. Hello! I have LOVED the blog...I don't necessarily need a work out buddy, but I do need someone to sometimes hold me accountable. I only lost a few pounds, but the difference I see in my abdomen, chest, and even my face is incredible! I do plan to keep up the "challenges" throughout the holidays...I would still like to see some improvements. I still need to be held accountable, if anyone feels the same way please feel free to email me anytime day or night. I can't wait for the next challenge.
