Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 12- Almost 1/2 way!
15 minute warm up/cardio
side lunge - jump squat- side lunge
squat with bicep curl
45 mini squats with front raises
60 jacks
20 push ups
20 mountain climbers
bicep curl with reverse lunges 30 seconds each side
100 crunches (NO BREAKS)

Cool down

Have fun!


  1. I thought my thighs looked a little smaller so I measured them today (I'm too impatient to wait until the end) and I'm down 1/4 inch. Not a lot, but some progress. Thought you'd like to know. THANKS!! - Andrea

  2. Awww, that is great! Keep it up!
