Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Let's go!!!

Good morning! Hope you all had a good weekend! How are you doing with the exercises? Email me and let me know!

10 minutes of cardio
20 plie squats
10 plyo jumps (onto stairs)
15 push ups
repeat exercise 2x

10 minutes of cardio
15 dips
10 push ups
20 walking lunges with bicep curls
60 reverse crunches
repeat 1x

5 minute cool down

Good luck. Remember, these workouts are designed to get you in tip top shape, you are exercising 6 days a week, so each session should last 20-60 minutes. If your not doing the 6 days a week with me, please share!


  1. Is there a site I can get diagrams of these exercises.

  2. Yes Go to American Council on Exercise and to exercise library. Also yoga poses can be found at yoga If you would like a demonstration or a buddy for the day, let me know!
