Stay in Shape this summer! Join my 30 day workout today!

Get your booty moving, it's time to kick it up a notch!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

1 week detox starts Monday!

Detoxing? It's an easy way to rid your body of harmful chemicals, toxins, and STRESS! This detox is simple, and you get to eat all day!

Here's how it goes...
Commit yourself to 1 week. There are no "meals" in this detox, just snacking and eating ALL day to keep your blood sugar stable and your energy up. This detox is designed to not have any animal proteins or Dairy, limited caffeine, low carbs and NO CHEATING! Kefir and/or Plain yogurt can be added into the detox after day 3. Make sure to take your multi vitamin and also look into a B Complex and calcium magnesium.

Start with a glass of Water 16 oz. with Lemon
Replenish your intake every hour your awake with 8 oz.

Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits, nuts, quinoa, salad (no dressing) olive oil may be used.
Drink 1 cup of detox tea at nighttime 3 hours before bedtime.

Good LUCK!! I am doing this with you, if you have any questions please let me know!

Remember it is only 1 week, you can do it!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday July 15th

Swimming is great exercise, if you have access to a pool here is your exercise. If you do not have access please scroll down!

Swim back and forth the length of the pool 6x

Swim using arms only 2x (may use a noodle under your torso)
Legs only 2x (may use a noodle under your torso)
swim length of pool again 5x

Run in the water clockwise 5x
Reverse and run other direction 5x

Relax and float! See you Sat!

Non Swimmers

Cardio of your choice for 1 hour


Side plank 30 sec
side plank other side 30 sec
push ups 30

See you Saturday!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday July 14

July 14th!!!! Not to much longer to go! Are you taking a multi vitamin? Also try digestive enzymes, it will help digest your food and take the fat that you consume out of your body so it is not absorbed.

Run 3.5 miles
Walk 1 mile

200 crunches
100 reverse crunches
50 jump squats

Cool down see ya Friday!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wed July 13th

Did you eliminate the dairy and carbs yesterday? Keep with it, your body will thank you! To replace your protein try GNC AMP whey protein isolate! It works great for energy and recovery!

Yoga (if you have never tried please take a look at the poses at

warm up (hold each pose for 1 minute breathing deeply)
Sun Salutation
Forward bend
monkey (lol)
standing straddle stretch with chest expansion (hands locked behind back)

sequence (hold each pose for a total of 8 deep breaths)
warrior I
warrior II
low lunge
half moon
Repeat other side

Cool down (hold each pose for 4 deep breaths)
sitting straddle
child's pose

Final relaxation

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Step it up 10 days left

10 days until the challenge is over. Are you seeing results? Now is the time to look into a light detox, eliminate dairy, soda, and most carbs from your diet. Trust me you will feel great!

Warm up
1 mile run
1 mile brisk walk or run
walking lunges 5 minutes
10 minute steps
100 reverse crunches
1 min plank repeat 3x
30 superman's

Cool down and stretch!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hello MONDAY!!! we are almost finished with our 30 day challenge! What are you thinking? In between each workout below please add a run up and down the stairs 1x! Have fun!

2 Laps power knees.
Abs - lay on mat feet 90 degrees shoulder off the mat crunch up for 50, take it to 60 degrees crunch for 30, go to 30 degrees and crunch for another 20 (ouch).
Flip over do a plank with hip touches for 1 minute.
2 Laps back pedaling.
Side-front lateral raises for 30.
Power squats for 2 minutes.
100 Squats.

Abs - lay on mat put a 5 pound dumbbell vertically between you feet - keep shoulders off the ground bring knees in then out for 50.

2 Laps running with weight overhead.
Jump and switches for 1 minute.
2 Minutes bicyles.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


10 push ups
10 crunches
10 wide push ups
10 crunces
10 tricep push ups
10/10 bicycle crunces
20 sqauts
20 crunches
20 lunges
20 squats
20 calf raises
20 crunches
Repeat 3x

Then for running
Spartan Run-For our advanced clients
1. Run 1 mile
2. 100 pushups in as few sets as possible
3. 100 crunches
4. Run 1 mile
5. 75 pushups in as few sets as possible
6. 75 crunches

Run walk 1 mile with push ups for our less serious runners!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Carpe Diem! No wussing out on me now!!! Today RUN 3 miles! Lets go you can do it, if you can run more even better! Start early or run later when its cool out!! In addition to your run add in 25 push ups, 25 dips and 100 crunches repeat 2x!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rock your body Challenge July 7

Whats up Fitness by Fitz challengees? We are going to Rock your body today...Literally! Find a mirror, any mirror will do. Look into the mirror, what do you see? Take all negative thoughts out of your mind and find 2 things you like, when your working out today think of those 2 things!!!

Cardio 45 minutes
rocking sit up for 5 min sit on the ground pull your knees into your chest and rock until you can get up unassisted. repeat for 5 minutes

squat jumps 25
walking side lunge 25

repeat exercises

Aee you Friday

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wed July 6th!!! Welcome JULY!!!

How was your weekend? I trust you did some sort of exercise and steered clear of desserts? Today it will be important to warm up, so that you can get that extra bit out of your workout!

Warm up

Run 2 miles
Stairs for 15 minutes
@00 crunches
50 push ups any style
Cool down

See you Thursday!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Rock your body Sunday July 3, 2011

Warm up for 10 minutes

Whatever cardio you choose 15 MINUTES--make it count however!

Run 2.5 miles and walk for .5 miles!

200 crunches
100 squats

Make sure your drinking plenty of water this week and stretching after all workouts. It essential to stretch to reduce the lactid acid build up in the body (THE BURN YOUR BODY FEELS) after a workout. Make sure you up your protein intake while your doing such high intensity workouts. Sufficient intake of protein for runners and people involved in high intensity trainings should consume around 64g protein a day on the days they are training. Good Luck!!! Happy 4th everyone, tomorrow have fun and we will resume on the 5th!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday the 2nd of JULY!!! Eyes to the skies Fest

Lisle is having their annual Eyes to the skies hot air balloon fest so in honor of all the fest goers (including my gram, sis and I. We will be doing all eyes to the sky.

Warm up 5 minutes

Crunches-3 minutes
reverse crunches 1 minute

chest press with heavier dumbells
crabwalk 2 minutes
repeat exercises

supine leg lifts-30
reverse crunches with med ball or dumbell-30

Repeat exercises

Repeat all 1x

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy July!!!!!

This is going to be a busy weekend, lets make it through these workouts so we can enjoy the holiday weekend!

Warm up 5 minutes

Run 2.5 miles halfway through lunges for .25 mile

Cool down and see you in the AM!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Woohoo Wake up Friends!

Today you need to get to it!! Lets do 30 minutes of good old cardio followed by a generous amount of crunches--100!

25 jump squats or Jacks
25 squats
25 plie squats
10 dips
15 push ups
3 sets of 15 bicep curls
3 sets of 5 3 way shoulder raises (side, V, and Front)

Have fun and remember, your doing this with your goal in mind, you will never get there by saying, I will do it tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 28th! Have fun!

Todays workout
Run 1 mile
20 minutes of other cardio
30 push ups
60 crunches
20 plie squats
25 jacks
20 lat rows
20 superman's
25 jacks
30 push ups
60 mountain climbers
Repeat exercises

Have a fantastic day and see you tomorrow morning!

Please feel free to leave comments, your feedback will help me better understand your goals, and your level!! Thank you!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday the 28th

Tuesday--Lets go!
2 mile run
1 mile walk
25 push ups
30 crunches
25 push ups
25 dips

See you tomorrow!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Workout

10 minute warm up---trust me your going to need it!!
water break

Tabata workout (not for the weak hearted!)
1. 20 seconds squats
2. 10 second rest
repeat steps 1 & 2 until you have reached 4 minutes.

Rest 2 minutes, walk around grab a swig of water

1. 20 second push ups
2. 10 second rest
repeat steps 1 & 2 until you have reached 4 minutes.

Rest 2 minutes, walk around grab a swig of water

1. 20 second squat jumps
2. 10 second rest
repeat steps 1 & 2 until you have reached 4 minutes.

Rest 2 minutes

100 crunches
50 side kicks
50 side kicks other side
50 high kicks each side

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday is Rest Day

How are you doing so far. Please email me anytime if you have questions, need modifications or its not tough enough for you! I will respond as quickly as I can.

Today stay active, stretch, drink a ton of water. This is your chance to make up any day that you had to miss. Check back tomorrow for a killer rock your body challenge!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Rock your body day 4

Alright here it is...
Warm up
Jog 5 minutes
Run 2 minutes
Jog 5 minutes
Run 2 minutes
Jog 5 minutes
Run 2 minutes
Brisk walk for 15 minutes

30 push ups (any style)
100 standing crunches ( pull belly button to back)
50 squats with 3 sec holds
30 jacks
25 supermans (lay on your tum and raise arms out and up as you raise feet off the ground ( email me if you need help)
25 walking lunges with bicep curls
30 push ups (any style)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Rock your Body Challenge day 3

Fitness in 30!
First be sure and warm up!!

This is an easy 30 minute recovery workout!

5 minutes of cardio, your choice.
20 squats
10 push ups
5 minutes of cardio again your choice
20 dips
10 lunges
5 minutes of cardio
30 plie squats
10 front and lateral shoulder raises
Cool down!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rock your body Challenge day #2

Access to stairs?
Warm up
free flowing yoga 5 minutes with deep breathing
10 squat jumps
light hamstring stretch

Run stairs for 5 minutes
Fitz pushup 5 minutes-(push up) army crawl forward, (push up), and no not the ice cream!
Back extension 30x( either on a med ball or bench, couch, bed whichever
Run stairs for 5 minutes
50 jack squats
cardio kickboxing for 5 minutes (kicks, upper cuts, jabs, more kicks and jumps)
Tricep dips
Run stairs for 5 minutes
Cool down

Lots of water today, your going to need it
Try a protein supplement such as GNC AMP wheybolic protein!!! 1 scoop 30 minutes before exercise and 1 scoop 2-3 hours after for recovery!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Turkey Burgers

Healthy Recipe!

1lb 99% Lean Ground Turkey
2 Large Swiss Chard leaves (or kale)
2 green onions
1/4 cup Quinoa (cooked)
4-6 freah basil leaves
1 egg
dash sea salt

Toss all (except meat and quinoa) in food processor and puree
Put turkey and quinoa in a bowl, add puree mix well.

Form into patties and cook on the grill or stove top.

Serve with mango salsa or regular salsa and veggies!!!

I made these last night and the kids loved them, of course I put cheese on theirs and hid them in a bun!!

Welcome to your challenge!

Are you ready?

Cardio challenge

Warm up
side lunge with squat
squat and overhead stretch with deep breathing
Repeat warm up

Run 1 mile
20 push ups
100 crunches
20 squat jumps
Run 1 mile
10 push ups
50 olique crunches each side
30 jacks
run .25, sprint .25 mile repeat

Cool down

Dont forget to log your caloric intake!!
See you tomorrow am!

Monday, June 20, 2011


Here we go 2 more days! This is the site you will get your challenges from. Good luck!!